Always speak politely, and say please and thank you.
Please don’t be rude or swear.
Always put your hand up if you want to speak or ask a question.
Please don’t shout out or interrupt when another person is speaking.
Always join in with the activities if you are able.
Please don’t leave anyone out, especially younger Cubs.
Always be tidy, and clean up after you are finished.
Please don’t leave a mess for others to tidy up.
Always help each other, and be kind and friendly. Treat other Cubs as you would like them to treat you.
Please don’t hit, kick, hurt or fight with one another.
Always listen to Bagheera and other pack members, and do as you are asked straight away.
Please don’t argue or ignore instructions.
Always wear your uniform and show respect during Flag Break, Grand Howl, etc.
Please try to be on time.
But most importantly …………………